Inquiry form

Inquiry form

Please fill out the following items in your inquiry form. We will contact you.

  • Refer to the Q&A page first for any questions.
  • Reservations can't be made using the inquiry form. Please go to theonline reservations page.
  • If your inquiries arrive to us during our holidays such as Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, New Year's holidays, we will respond after the next business day.
  • Also, if we receive your request to cancel your reservation during our holidays, your cancellation is confirmed on the date and time the request is successfully sent.
  • Required fields
Type of inquiry

Type of inquiry



E-mail address.

E-mail address.

E-mail address
(for verification)

E-mail address
(for verification)

Phone number.

Phone number.

(1000 words or fewer)

(1000 words or fewer)